Hugh wanted to see his financial future mapped out

Hugh owns his own business and wanted to see where the family were heading financially.

  • Hugh hadn’t thought much about his retirement before, but his father suggested he see a financial adviser to make sure he was on track.
  • He got in touch with Ash from Wealthcorp and went with his wife, Pippa, for an appointment.
  • Hugh and Pippa wanted to see what their future would look like in 25 years if they carried on as they were. They wanted to know if they needed to tighten their belts or could relax a bit more with their spending.
  • Ash took them through the first step of the Wealthcorp process – financial modelling. They were impressed with how easy it was to see their future mapped out.
  • Name:Hugh and Pippa
  • Married:Married with 2 daughters; 11 & 13
  • Ages:38 & 39
  • Advice wanted:Wealth & investment

How weHelped

Ash helped Hugh and Pippa to get a clear picture of where they’ll be in 25 years if they continue spending and investing at their current rate.
Step 1
  • Map out current financial situation
  • Identify lifestyle goals
Step 2
  • Model financial future
  • Discuss changes and opportunities
Step 3
  • Review Superannuation & Insurances
  • Develop a plan that helps with spending decisions


Hugh and Pippa were blown away with the confidence and clarity they felt after their financial modelling appointment. Ash was able to help them restructure some of their insurances and discover some hidden fees in an old Super fund.

This appointment saved them $2500 on fees per year and helped them to make choices for their future.


“It’s a good feeling to know where you are, and it forced us to discuss what we wanted for the future. It’s great to know we’re on track for the lifestyle we want for our family.”


More case studies…

Please Note: Our case studies are based on interviews with our valued clients who were keen to volunteer their stories. However, to protect their privacy, names and photographs have been changed. All quotes are their own words.

Most of our new clients are referred by our loyal, existing clients.